A quest for accountability? EU and Member State inquiries into the CIA Rendition and Secret Detention Programme

At the request of the LIBE Committee, this study assesses the extent to which EU Member States have delivered accountability for their complicity in the US CIA-led extraordinary rendition and secret detention programme and its serious human rights violations. It offers a scoreboard of political inquiries and judicial investigations in supranational and national arenas in […]

National Security and Secret Evidence in Legislation and before the Courts: Exploring the Challenges

At the request of the LIBE committee, this study provides a comparative analysis of the national legal regimes and practices governing the use of intelligence information as evidence in the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, the Netherlands and Sweden. It explores notably how national security can be invoked to determine the classification of information […]

Fighting cyber crime and protecting privacy in the cloud

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The Council Framework Decision on the Fight against Organised Crime : What can be Done to Strengthen EU Legislation in the Field ?

Décision-cadre du Conseil concernant l’exécution forcée des jugement rendus ‘in abstentia’